
I don't want my company to appear on CyprusRegistry
The information collected on CyprusRegistry is all a matter of public record, and is sourced from the official government registers, and from published government data. We aim to hold an accurate copy of this and other records, and thus do not remove companies or data that are in the public record. The reason this information about companies is published by governments is that the free flow of information about companies is essential for both a fair society (consumers need to know whether a company exists, what its standing is, and where to file suits in order to get redress), and a fair market.
The data on CyprusRegistry is out of date
We are adding and updating several records of companies daily, and we also update lapsed data, from the primary source of the official government registry. There are though data that might be outdated and you could ask us to add it in front of the queue so we can update it as fast as possible to reflect latest data.
The data on CyprusRegistry is incorrect
First, please check the primary source on the linked official registry. Many of the queries we get are because the official registry is out of date. If that data is correct please let us know so we can re-sync your data.